
When it rains, it never pours here, but the sun is always dim.

And it's common for the rain to come five times a day.  Always unexpected, but it can never blind you while you're going from place to place, just present an inconvenience -- add a ruffle to your hair or a speed to your step.

But, at the same time, the sun teases from behind silver linings, never showing its face, it's daylight twilight.

Richard is coming today all the way from the states and this is pretty exciting, it'll be nice to have an old friend. New and temporary relationships are different creatures. But, old friendships are gold if they're solid.

1 comment:

  1. Dude... I'm really liking your writing style.. a lot...

    "But, at the same time, the sun teases from behind silver linings, never showing its face, it's daylight twilight."

    Very cool...

    Say hi to Richard for me ... You guys be cool...

    Love ya,

